
Close the door to temptation, it’s been left open deliberately…
Just like doubt, temptation lingers around and sneaks in…
hold your head up and fight temptation….
look him in the eye and say no.no.no
Yes draw a picture of your temptation and fight him/her or whatever you have made him to be…
Today I took a peace of garlic and called it my chocolate temptation, so far so good…I stayed away from the fridge. And every time I think chocolate I think garlic along with it….I hate garlic…
So I am hoping this will work…

when we change our address from temptation, we leave a forwarding address, only because we are creatures of habit and we are scared to move forward from any past…good or bad…

Lock the doors to temptation and throw away the key…don’t be a slave, look up…

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