Learn to love yourself

Learn something new, anything… feed your soul and your ego, impress yourself, you can always learn more… A new language, a new way of doing an old job, cooking, writing, sewing, dancing, singing, playing an instrument, it’s your party have fun with it…this is no dress rehearsal… Think of all the people at the hospital […]


Close the door to temptation, it’s been left open deliberately… Just like doubt, temptation lingers around and sneaks in… hold your head up and fight temptation…. look him in the eye and say no.no.no Yes draw a picture of your temptation and fight him/her or whatever you have made him to be… Today I took […]

addicted to drama

It’s not easy to deal with a problem, when you can’t find the problem… What came first chicken or the egg? What started this mess? You have heard this before right? I drank this to fix that, I fixed that then this happened, after that I took that and felt this way, I felt bad […]


Addicted to our habits… We all hear habits are easy to make and easy to break but the truth is its hard. Habits are our bosses that push us around, we need to take a stand and recognize the good habits and the bad ones. Get addicted to forming a new habit…find people that are […]

Walk it off

I ran out crying and kept walking…I walked and walked and started to smile…why…I forgot what I was crying about… I was so thrilled that I reached the ocean and that I walked for three hours, all my problems disappeared. Winning formula…walk to the happy spot…

Give birth to a winning formula, spread light

What if you could cure us…

You are the expert of your addiction give us advice, we will take it by the grain.

The idea is….we always need a new idea

Your formula might not work for you right now but if it has … pass it on and take a new one!