Addicted to past…
Weather dead or alive, person, place or thing, happy or unhappy, it’s in the past, so why can’t you let it go especially if it shapes you today in a negative way. Happy memories are great but when they are not happy no one needs to hear it especially you…
Stuck in pain you relive the hate, by resurrecting it every chance you get. It could be a story from twenty years ago or this week you will cuss and swear like it happened a min ago…sometimes it comical and other times it tragic…
Winning formula…write down the stories without any audience and put it in a box. Take that box and hide it from yourself because it is valuable to you only and we promise to read it some day but for now give it a rest. The stories are tired of you..
Don’t take advantage of the healthy ear!
Wow, this article is nice, my younger sister is
analyzing these kinds of things, so I am going to convey her.