
Smoking might be cool but its cruel! Winning formula—visit to the hospital. Everyone on their death bed wish they had stopped a little sooner. please write more formulas and spread ways to stop, tell us your success story. We are proud of you!

April 12th, 2013
Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments »


How much if I buy it all? it was a great deal, I heard him say as he schleps more stuff to the living room table. When you are thinking of buying a bigger house with bigger garage in order to store old playboy magazines, then do you think you have a problem? Maybe not, […]

April 12th, 2013
Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

Over loving…. R u lost in love? Can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t breath or talk without your loved one? It’s so beautiful isn’t it? All your friends are envious. All your enemies jealous…the question is…if its so good, then why is it so hard…why are you unhappy? Could it be that you lost your identity? […]

April 12th, 2013
Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »


Balance…. I got on board first time ever all excited to travel overnight on a ship to New Castle England. It was the ride of my life (wink) As the ship left the deck, my body left me. I was floating in the air as my body was glued to the table I landed. Little […]

April 12th, 2013
Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments »


You need to pay rent but you spent all the money on 5 pair of shoes, ouch! you have five more in your car trunk and at least twenty more in the back of your closet. You are planning the next pair for the morning, as soon as you borrow money for rent from someone. […]

April 4th, 2013
Posted in Shopping | No Comments »


Sex, do you wake up thinking, where am I going to find sex today? If so you may be a sex addict. Especially if your married. You feel like a pervert and regret your actions but you keep doing the same thing over and over again… You get caught and confronted but you have no […]

April 4th, 2013
Posted in Sex, Uncategorized | No Comments »


You know who you are, yes of course you don’t have time to surf the net, play your favorite sport or attend your child’s piano rehearsal because someone has to make the money you think.You wake up at six and go to bed at midnight finishing deadlines and writing to do lists, tired and wired […]

April 4th, 2013
Posted in Overworking | 1 Comment »


Do you wake-up checking your mail and get stuck surfing the Internet. You realize you have done nothing all day? Hours later, you come back and check the mail and surf the net to find again something to do because you feel guilty just sitting and surfing through web pages… Can you put your iPad, […]

April 3rd, 2013
Posted in Internet, Uncategorized | 3 Comments »

Your addiction

Give me your winning formulas on how you combat your addictions. We all have a way and we all need a new way because when one fades we need the other to surface… Stay positive… .We are in this together….

February 12th, 2013
Posted in Uncategorized, Your addiction | 8 Comments »


Jealousy and anger…. Let me start off with my winning formula …. Understand that it is not about you… Each of us loose our balance in many different areas, but it’s rarely because we hate our mate, that we go to great lengths. Most of the time it’s because we hate our life at that […]

February 12th, 2013
Posted in Food | 12 Comments »